Serendipities and weird coincidences seem to happen in my life..
Today it has happened again.
About 1/2 hour ago I received an email from my father, telling me about a website that someone sent him a link to. On this site is a photo of my grandfather's furniture factory in Groenlo. What odd timing that is, considering my post from yesterday.
And, so, on the note of telling the story of my family's history in the furniture making business, I now have some new information to add.
A link to the web page can be found here:
Although the photo caption is written in Dutch, I have translated it here.
(What's especially cool is that the names of most of the people in the photo is included).
For me, this is priceless!
The caption reads as follows (with corrections as provided from my father):
Furniture factory Thesseling-Wiggers. This photo was made in 1947 or 1948. Standing from left to right: 1. Kobus van Rijn, 2. Hr. v.d. Berg, 3. Jan Bennink, 4. Henny Wantia, 5. Herman Wallerbosch, 6. Willem Knuver, 7. Lowie Andringa, 8. Jan Koenders, 9. Hr. Lenssen, 10. Jan v.. Las, 11. Benny te Molder, 12. Hr. ???, 13. Hr. ???. Sitting from left to right: 1. Mrs. Akkerman, 2. Hr. ???, 3. Mrs. Thesseling, 4. Mr. Thesseling, 5. Jan Wiggers, 6. Mrs. Wiggers, 7. Hr. Akkerman (salesman), 8. Hr. Startman. Youngster in the foreground: Franken. Missing from the photo is the bookkeeper: Bennie Harber.
From the collection of: A. Hemeltjen
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