Of utmost importance to them was finding a "green" bed made of FSC certified and NAUF wood, non-UF glues and low VOC finish that was also compliant with CARB2 standards. The Irenic Bed, they soon discovered, easily met these criteria.
Their next requirement was that this bed be modified to accomodate a Queen size mattress. Although the Irenic Bed is normally made in a King size, I assured them that changing to Queen was not a problem.
The next challenge was to accomodate a special mattress they had already purchased. In lieu of a conventional mattress and boxspring these clients had sourced a natural latex mattress with bunkie board that required special "T" bars to elevate the mattress to a particular height. Once again this was not a problem to do.
Finally, the clients pointed out that they wanted to keep their existing night stands, dresser and chest rather than replace with new matching casegoods. I pointed out that this would not be a problem either, because we could custom finish the bed to match the existing furniture.
The resulting bed is shown here:

We used plain sliced oak to create a radiating cathedral grain pattern on the head and footboards to emulate the rising and setting Sun. Inlay beads of solid oak were used to soften the corners, while the finish was custom tinted to match the existing night stands perfectly.
The net result is another happy customer, which is the best news of all !
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